Episode 43: Creating A Wellness Strategy For 2022


Have you made new years resolutions and they’ve never lasted past January? 

I can speak from personal experience that it doesn’t work all of the time.  

I decided one year I was going to do all the 30-day challenges. I did the plank challenge, the pushup challenge, and my favorite - the pullup challenge. I got discouraged really fast and only completed 17 days.

It’s hard! It’s hard to stay focused!

The end of the year is good for goal setting, but going after lofty goals with no action plan will leave you lost and uninspired.

How can you create a wellness strategy for 2022, make it LAST and make it fun?

I want you to niche down…..

Instead of saying, “I want to lose weight, eat fewer carbs or meditate” I want you to go deeper with your why.

When selecting a goal ask yourself, “What’s the purpose behind this goal?” That way you are more driven to achieve it. 

BEFORE choosing that wellness goal I want you to ask yourself 5 important questions:


  1. What area do you wish you made more time for regularly? Movement, nutrition or self-care

  2. Why do you feel you haven’t made time for that activity?

  3. Who can hold you accountable for the goal you have chosen?

  4. What will you feel as soon as you achieve your wellness goal? 

  5. How will this impact your future and the people around you? 


The next step towards achieving your goal is to make time for your plan. 

It all starts with saying YES to that wellness goal and placing it in your schedule.

Also, be sure you celebrate your wins!

If you have fruit instead of sugar in your coffee, celebrate that! 

I also encourage you to reflect on 2021. Write down all of the positives and negatives and celebrate ALL of the things that happened. 

If you are looking to enhance your already amazing life through creating a wellness strategy for 2022, I would love for you to reach out to me @sarahallysecoaching on Instagram. Or if your company is looking for help with their wellness strategy I would love for you to connect me with your human resources department!

Schedule your Enrich Your Workplace Consult here: https://livewellenhanceyoubooktoday.as.me/enrichyourworkplace

I would SO appreciate it if you would follow, and leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you enjoy listening.

Sarah Alysse

CEO Live Well Enhance You 

Health and Wellness Consulting & Event Organizer to meet the needs of individuals and businesses.

Learn how to enhance your health, elevate your productivity, and enrich your life.


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