Episode 42: How Hypnotherapy and Self-care Reduces Burnout | Sharon Thompson


If you are feeling burnt out in your business OR your corporate career, this episode is for YOU!

She is a Mindset Coach from the UK who works globally with women who have reached that midlife rut and want the confidence to move into their new chapter. She is unbelievable and we are so lucky to have her today!

She and I are connected in the sense that we both lost someone we love at a young age. 

She was fresh out of University working in her first job, and losing her partner at a young age was massive for her. She shares how she really didn’t know how to deal with it particularly well. She turned to alcohol and partying after 9 months of caring for her partner, and doing hospital trips, and handling all of that stress, leaving no time for herself.

Coming through that experience, she was able to find the positive things about that time in her life. 

Sharon started moving up in her corporate career, at the same time she also had 2 children. Due to the stress at work and little babies at home, she couldn’t sleep. She experienced insomnia, which led her to find a coach. It did help to a certain extent but it also caused her to realize she needed to change her lifestyle as well. 

She was then led to leave the corporate world and train in hypnotherapy. Doing something like that can take a lot of courage! She was extremely successful in her corporate career, so it wasn’t easy. As she says, “It was the scariest yet most exciting day of her life!”

Working in corporate for so long, she had layers of mindset she needed to work through. It took her time to get out of the 9-5 mentality and understand that it was ok if she wasn’t at her computer non-stop working during those hours. And she found herself once again heading towards burnout. 

She had to tell herself that the reason she was self-employed was so that she could make the rules up and take the time when she needed to take the time.

Sharon uses some hypnosis in her coaching, which a lot of people may have only seen hypnosis in the movies and are skeptical. So Sharon is giving us the REAL scoop on what hypnosis actually is and the benefits that you can expect from it.  

Mindset work is so important in that it dictates every aspect of our lives. So whether we think we can or we think we can’t do anything you’re truly right. She works with the subconscious and conscious mind to help you change whatever mindset you're wanting a difference in.


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If you are a corporation looking to add value to your employees’ lives I have a program specifically for you!  Enrich your workplace! It’s tailored to meet your company’s needs. Whether you are looking for masterclasses, workshops, small group coaching or executive coaching, head on over to https://www.livewellenhanceyou.com/workwithme and fill out a quick application Once you submit we’ll get on a call and see if this is a good fit for your company!

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Sarah Alysse

CEO Live Well Enhance You 

Health and Wellness Consulting & Event Organizer to meet the needs of individuals and businesses.

Learn how to enhance your health, elevate your productivity, and enrich your life.


Episode 43: Creating A Wellness Strategy For 2022


Episode 41: How to Cultivate a Life of Joy | Angela Thompson