Episode 41: How to Cultivate a Life of Joy | Angela Thompson


Find out how you can cultivate a life of joy, pour into yourself, say NO, and enjoy a stress-free holiday season with my guest, Angela Thompson!

Ange is an experienced leadership coach, holistic healer, and public speaker with a background in Business Administration and Marketing & Management. She spent 14 years in her corporate career as a manager for one of the largest retail corporations in the world. Using a combination of her management experience and love of soul-based leadership, Ange is dismantling the traditional approach to coaching.

Leadership, empowerment, and healing are her true calling. She is committed to empowering soul-based professionals to enhance their leadership skills so they can remove the struggle in owning a business and get back to focusing on their zone of genius!

Angela never really bought into what she sold in her corporate career. After realizing she wasn’t fulfilled and didn’t want to have that job for the next 30 years of her life she walked away from her 14-year career. 

She then bought into herself. And she now gets her clients to buy into themselves as well. 

In her work, she has found that people really need structure. They need boundaries. They need accountability. And whether people are ready and willing to admit it - they crave those things. 

She teaches her audience to buy into their end result. When someone is empowered and connected deeply with the end result, they want to get there. And they will do whatever it takes. It becomes a WANT instead of HAVE TO. 

When people can make that switch in their brain, things start to open up and become a lot simpler. 

Ange shares about her Reiki practices and how it can really nourish the soul. Physical symptoms can translate into mental or emotional symptoms. It’s all connected. We really have to nourish the soul, and that’s really what Reiki is. 

She made a very good point about getting uncomfortable and being the coach that her clients need her to be.  When we get uncomfortable is when things can start opening up and it often happens in our bodies before our minds even realize it.

If you are a busy working professional, there are ways you can also start with your own self-care routine! I love how Ange shares easy, practical tips that ANYONE can do, whether at home or in the office. It is possible to prioritize yourself and your health!

We also chat about how to craft a life of joy. And Ange says that “It’s all about permission. Allow yourself to feel joy. And be open to receiving it however it comes. Take in every single second. Be present and really feel it because that’s where the true joy lives.” 

How beautiful! 

She shares so much value in today’s episode. Grab your headphones and dive in!


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Download her 5-Minute Outside The Box Self-care Ideas HERE.

Book a free 30-minute call with her HERE.

If you are a corporation looking to add value to your employees’ lives I have a program specifically for you!  Enrich your workplace! It’s tailored to meet your company’s needs. Whether you are looking for masterclasses, workshops, small group coaching or executive coaching, head on over to https://www.livewellenhanceyou.com/workwithme and fill out a quick application Once you submit we’ll get on a call and see if this is a good fit for your company!

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Sarah Alysse

CEO Live Well Enhance You 

Health and Wellness Consulting & Event Organizer to meet the needs of individuals and businesses.

Learn how to enhance your health, elevate your productivity, and enrich your life.


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