Episode 37: How Quantum Healing Reduced Burnout | Boki Dee


Have you ever considered Reiki, or wondered what your Human Design is? 

My guest today is Boki Dee, a certified Quantum Human Design™ Specialist, Quantum Alignment™  Specialist, Registered Reiki Master Teacher & Registered Aromatherapist, who specializes in helping clients align with their true, authentic selves while supporting them on their healing journey and beyond. 

How amazing?

In today’s episode, she is sharing her transformation and healing journey through letting go of the corporate world, changing her beliefs, and using Quantum Healing to bring her out of burnout and into a life where she was aligned and destined to live in.

She is a Sun Taurus, Moon Virgo, ⅓ Pure Generator and was created to HEAL & UPLIFT the collective. Her purpose is to bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical worlds and translate energy in a simple way anyone can understand. She teaches you how to master yourself by identifying your energetic design, how to let go of subconscious programming & toxic patterns, and she guides you into becoming THE VERY YOU, you were CREATED to be.

Her motto is, “It doesn’t matter how many times you fall, it only matters how many times you get up. So, GET UP!”

In today’s episode, we chat about how she realized she was burnt out, and how she found got a naturopath that she trusted, which brought her towards the path of health that really began working for her. 

We also talk about her experiences and practices using Quantum Healing and Reiki. And if you’re wondering what those are, Boki explains how they helped heal her, and how they can benefit you as well!

One of the questions I asked Boki was, “If you are interested in pursuing a career in healing - quantum healing or human design where should you start?”

I love her answer, and that was, to start by healing yourself BEFORE you start taking classes or courses, or studying. Sure, you can do all of those things, but to really do the work, you have to start by healing yourself and figure out what are your fears, your triggers, or your pain. 

We also talk about balancing life and work and finding time for ourselves. As an energy healer, there will always be a pull on your energy. She has had to prioritize recharging herself and encourages others to find what works for them, too, whether that is outdoors, alone time, or taking a walk. 

No matter how much you love your work, you can’t work 24/7, and recharging yourself helps keep you from becoming burnt out, and loving what you do!

This was a super fun conversation, where I learned a lot and I know you will too!

Find out more about Boki and connect with her here:

Website | Instagram | Facebook

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Sarah Alysse

CEO Live Well Enhance You 

Health and Wellness Consulting & Event Organizer to meet the needs of individuals and businesses.

Learn how to enhance your health, elevate your productivity, and enrich your life.


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