Episode 16: Reduce Stress by Manifesting Your Future


Manifestation has been a huge blessing to my business!

You may be wondering what is manifesting? What does manifesting your future mean and how can you actually create the life you want? 

I went through life and would come up with different ideas of what manifesting my future would look like. But I never put it into action. It’s one thing to talk about manifesting. It’s another thing to do. I’m going to be sharing my journey of how my life changed when I actually took action and started manifesting the career and personal life dreams.

When you’re manifesting your future what I want you to start to think about is getting clear on your goals. Decide exactly what you want and need and put an intention behind it. Because if you don’t have an intention, how are you going to get to what you need?

Write it down on paper, seeing it and believing it. Create a vision board. Decide on a  topic, and stick with it. I like to create goals for 3 months, 6 months, if you want a year-long goal try to make actionable steps to reach that goal. Then start to do those steps!!

Be mindful and thankful for what you receive. 

With this episode, I want to challenge you to let go of any limiting beliefs that you might have, and start taking action on manifesting what you desire!

If you enjoyed this episode and found it encouraging or inspiring in any way, I’d love to hear from you!

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Sarah Alysse

CEO Live Well Enhance You 

Health and Wellness Consulting & Event Organizer to meet the needs of individuals and businesses.

Learn how to enhance your health, elevate your productivity, and enrich your life.


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