Episode 45: Being Beautifully Unbalanced | Mikita Smith


What does self-care mean to you? Do you make time for it? Whether it’s a hot cup of coffee in the morning, a HIIT workout, meditation, or a walk outdoors, self-care is something that we all need to prioritize.

Today I have Mikita Smith, a Self-care and Wellness Coach, and host of Thyme 4 Tea with Mikita and a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

Mikita’s mission is to help individuals redefine what self-care looks like and feels like to them. Sometimes self-care means knowing how to say no, setting boundaries in relationships, realizing that you are enough, or just finding your superpower. Regardless of where you're at, she can help to guide you along the way to live a life that is authentic to who you are.

What I love about Mikita’s practice is her focus on self-care and love. Selfcare can mean something different to each of us and in today’s episode,  I asked Makita what self-care meant to her. To Mikita, it means showing up in every aspect of her life. From setting boundaries in her work life, personal life, nutrition and giving my body what it needs, and really listening to what it needs. 


Mikita is a also full-time nurse working in the pulmonology clinic so she sees a lot. And the biggest issue she sees, especially as nurses, is giving ourselves permission to take care of ourselves.

As a health coach and full-time nurse, Mikita gives herself time by taking breaks outdoors, taking a walk, and soaking up the scenery. Being in nature, and being present is so beneficial to all of us!

Mikita shares about her work as a coach and something she helps her clients understand is that it’s ok to fail. Failure is what we can learn and grow from. Can you imagine if as a baby you tried walking, fell, and never tried again? No! You get back up, reassess, and keep trying!

We put pressure on ourselves for perfectionism and then rip ourselves apart when we don’t meet those criteria. 

We are constantly comparing ourselves to someone else when we are only seeing their before and afters. What we aren't seeing is the struggle they went through to get there. What is really going on on the inside? 

Mikita works with her clients and helps them find their own WHY which is also something she can use to show her clients the progress they’ve made and keep them motivated to continue their journey. 

As a health coach, there are many important factors that come into play it’s not just about food. It’s about hitting those other primary needs like family, career, nutrition, and being spiritually connected to yourself. All those things matter! And when you only focus on the nutrition aspect of your life you miss out on all the other factors that play into why I’m making these choices with my food. 

Mikita loves being a coach because she has learned that once you are comfortable just being YOU in any situation it gives you a certain empowerment and strength that you want to share with other people. You want to help them cultivate a life that is fulfilling to them. So they can go out into the world and say, “Hey! This is me! I am Beautifully Unbalanced!”

We had such an amazing conversation today! I hope you enjoy!


Website | Instagram | Facebook Group: Taking Back Your Power

Check out her Podcast Thyme 4 Tea with Makita here

If you are a corporation looking to add value to your employees’ lives I have a program specifically for you!  Enrich your workplace! It’s tailored to meet your company’s needs. Whether you are looking for masterclasses, workshops, small group coaching or executive coaching, head on over to https://www.livewellenhanceyou.com/workwithme and fill out a quick application Once you submit we’ll get on a call and see if this is a good fit for your company!

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Sarah Alysse

CEO Live Well Enhance You 

Health and Wellness Consulting & Event Organizer to meet the needs of individuals and businesses.

Learn how to enhance your health, elevate your productivity, and enrich your life.


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