Episode 85: Making Meaningful Change In Your Company | Leslie Ellis


“We’re all human, even the executives at the top of the house. Things keep them awake at night as well.”

We’ve all seen scandalous news reports of companies, organizations, and government agencies that have made a major misstep, sparked public outrage, then apologized and promised to change. But does that change really happen?

My guest Leslie Ellis is here to make sure it does.

Leslie is a Certified Change Management Professional and the founder and CEO of Meaningful Change Consulting. She helps corporations and organizations change for the better, whether it’s their company culture, sustainability practices, business strategies, or other areas that need a major shake-up. And it all starts with the leaders.

Being in a leadership position means having a responsibility to use your position to do good. You have to have the courage to make big changes even when it’s hard. So listen in if you’re a leader who wants to create change in your company and make a positive impact. Leslie gives spot-on insights about common mistakes corporations and organizations make when they try to change, and how leaders can improve themselves first to inspire change in others.

Here are the main points of this episode:

  • (4:12) Why it’s important for leaders to develop themselves personally as they make changes in their company

  • (5:12) Leslie’s best tips for women in the workplace who want to speak up for change

  • (8:47) How corporate leaders can involve employees in company changes

  • (11:28) The fears and mindset blocks Leslie deals with as a dual business owner

  • (19:00) Why many companies struggle to improve their company culture

  • (23:34) How Leslie created change in a massive global company and one of the biggest police forces in the US



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If you are a corporation looking to add value to your employees’ lives I have a program specifically for you! Enrich Your Workplace! It’s tailored to meet your company’s needs. Whether you are looking for masterclasses, workshops, small group coaching or executive coaching, head on over to https://www.livewellenhanceyou.com/workwithme and fill out a quick application Once you submit we’ll get on a call and see if this is a good fit for your company!

Sarah Alysse

CEO Live Well Enhance You 

Health and Wellness Consulting & Event Organizer to meet the needs of individuals and businesses.

Learn how to enhance your health, elevate your productivity, and enrich your life.


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