Inspire Your Heart With Art

When was the last time you consumed a piece of art that gave you a special, indescribable feeling?

Whether it happened recently or a long time ago, you know that feeling when it hits you. The art wasn’t just “beautiful” or “interesting.” It was something more than that, something deeper that can’t be described in words.

Art has the power to give us what feels like a spiritual experience. It sounds mystical, but it’s backed by research. Studies have proven that art benefits a person’s mental health. January 31st is Inspire Your Heart With Art Day, a day all about recognizing how art benefits humanity.

The mental health benefits of art

There are many studies that show that participating in the arts can be part of a holistic approach to help people with mental health issues. The American Public Health Association studied the effects of artistic expression through music, visual art, movement, and writing, and found that “there is evidence that art-based interventions are effective in reducing adverse physiological and psychological outcomes.”

Art therapy is a popular method for providing healing to those who struggle with mental health. One report from the British Psychological Society showed that art therapy helped patients feel both relaxed and empowered. Through artistic self-expression, the patients were able to understand themselves better, feel a sense of personal achievement, and develop relationships with others.

Making time to experience art

There are lots of enjoyable ways to consume art. You can visit a crafts fair or a museum and take in amazing visual creations. You can attend a play, dance show, or musical performance and feel the excitement of live entertainment. Another great thing to do is browse art online, (visual art, music, performance videos) and talk about your favorites on social media.

With the mountain of tasks on your to-do list, it may feel like there isn’t much time for consuming art. But maybe you have more time than you think. Try to shift around some things in your schedule and set aside time for consuming art. Make it a priority! This will relieve your stress and give your brain a much-needed rest, restoring your mental energy for later.

You may want to spread the artistic magic to your friends as well, especially if they’ve been feeling down lately and need an emotional boost. It can be as simple as sending a friend the link to visual artworks you think they’ll love. Or you could go to a live performance with them to lift their spirits. When you consume art with a friend, you’re reminding them how important it is to take a break and do something fun.

Creating your own art

Inspiring your heart with art isn’t just about consuming art. It’s also about creating it. Try playing music, singing, crafting, drawing, photography, or whatever your heart desires. Experiment with something new. Creating art can be massively beneficial for your mental health – as long as you don’t fall into the comparison trap.

Comparing your artistic skills to someone else’s puts pressure on you to be “good” at art. This creates a situation where if your art isn’t “good,” it must be “bad,” and you’re “bad” at that kind of art. Pay close attention to what you tell yourself about your art. Are you engaging in negative self-talk? This is damaging for your mental health. View your art from a place of kindness and positivity.

When you see artists with impressive skills, let yourself be happy and motivated to create your own art. No one can create art the exact same way you do, so lean into your own style and express yourself. When you express your personality and emotions through art, you activate something deep within you that helps you feel whole.

So whatever your plans are for Inspire Your Heart With Art Day – and all the days after that – I wish you many more of those indescribable moments that art makes possible.

Sarah Alysse

CEO Live Well Enhance You 

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