Our Mission:
Get To The Root of Your Company’s Health Concerns
Recalibrate your wellness strategy & build sustainable lifestyle practices.
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“Wellness and mental health is so important to success in the workplace. Sarah’s program introduced strategies to better deal with stress and burnout, so our team members can thrive in a high-paced start-up. The virtual content was very engaging content and resonated strongly with our team with a mix of education and hands-on workshops. I would highly recommend Sarah’s program for any company that wants a healthier, happier workforce.”
-Brendan Downing, CEO of Janus Health
As a corporate leader, the most important thing to remember is that your employee experience is your employment brand. In order to improve that experience it’s necessary to give your employee’s an outlet to think creatively. Below you will find the 3 pillars we use to cultivate a low stress environment, communicate clearer, and enhance productivity for your workplace. To find out how Live Well Enhance You can tailor a program to meet your company’s needs, please schedule a consultation.
Enrich Your S.O.U.L.™
3 month to 6 month Signature Program: Company Wide Masterclasses, Wellness Workshops, Small Group Coaching, Monthly Wellness Newsletter & Executive Team Building. Take a look at the services page to see what kind of masterclasses and wellness workshops are available currently.
Corporate Wellness
Stress Management & Self-Care
Though often overlooked, stress management & self-care are incredibly valuable. In a world that is focused on work and money we forget to quiet the noise and just relax. When we don’t take care of ourselves at home, are stressed from work and exhausted we become imbalanced and start to eat poorly as well as exercise less. Eventually this will cause weight gain, chronic pain and a decrease in brain functionality. Let’s work towards reducing stress by communicating clearer with our team and build sustainable practices at the workplace so that we can create healthier, happier, and more productive employees!
Sarah will give your company the tools necessary to find that balance.
Studies show that exercising can help promote longevity, stimulates brain health and increases your energy level throughout the day. What’s wonderful is that you don’t need to be a marathon runner or pro-athlete to reap from its benefits. Work with Sarah to find a fitness plan that works with your company’s lifestyle. Sarah has gained many certifications over the last 12 years and has a BFA in Musical Theater Performance which helps her to create out of the box solutions for your employees. As an injury prevention specialist with a background in Pilates and Personal training, she specializes in Athletic Conditioning, functional movement training, and Post Rehabilitation for the knee, hip, and shoulder. Whether you are wanting to improve overall strength, flexibility or lose weight—
Sarah’s got individuals and corporations covered.
With all of the diets out there it’s difficult to decipher what’s actually healthy for you and not a fad. At Live Well Enhance You, Sarah doesn’t push you into a diet but focuses in on gut health. Together you will find out what irritants are causing harm to your body, discover ways to improve your gut-brain connection and then develop a nutritional plan that meets your bio-individuality. It’s important to remember that one person’s food may not be appropriate for you. Sarah will be your “guide on the side” that will keep you and your company on the right path, steering you away from reverting back to old habits.